The Lynch Syndrome Registry Study Team

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Meet our team

The Lynch Syndrome Registry is run by a team of individuals dedicated to learning more about Lynch syndrome and its associated cancers. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have about joining the Lynch Syndrome Registry.


Sapna Syngal, MD, MPH

Founder, Lynch Syndrome Center

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Director of Research, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Director, Gastrointestinal Cancer Genetics and Prevention Clinics; Director, Gastroenterology, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Matthew Yurgelun, MD

Director, Lynch Syndrome Center

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Medical Oncologist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Medical Oncologist, Gastrointestinal Cancer Center; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Huma Rana, MD, MPH

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Clinical Director, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Medical Geneticist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Ramona Lim, MD

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Gastroenterologist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Gastroenterologist, Gastrointestinal Cancer Center; Lecturer in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Kimberly Perez, MD

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Medical Oncologist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Medical Oncologist, Gastrointestinal Cancer Center; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Leah Biller, MD

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Medical Oncologist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Medical Oncologist, Gastrointestinal Cancer Center; Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Sahar Nissim, MD, PhD

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Gastroenterologist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention; Gastroenterologist, Gastrointestinal Cancer Center; Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

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Anu Chittenden, MS, LGC

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Manager, Genetic Counselors, Cancer Genetics and Prevention

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Margaret Klehm, RN, MPH, MSH, FNP

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Family Nurse Practitioner, Cancer Genetics and Prevention

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Alyson Caruso

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Research Project Manager II, Lynch Syndrome Registry

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Chinedu Ukaegbu, MPH, MBBS

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Senior Scientist, Cancer Genetics and Prevention

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Leanne McAuliffe, MHA

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Program Manager, Lynch Syndrome Center

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Haley Gubitz

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Lead Research Project Manager, Lynch Syndrome Registry

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Jeanelle Tsai

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Lead Registry Coordinator, Lynch Syndrome Registry

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